Would you like fries with that?

Hello everyone, my name is Tom, and I am 15. This is my story. I may spook some of you, so here is my warning: The following things I will tell you will change the whole way you perceive the world, so, this is your warning; if you want to carry on with your life without the constant fear of the ''thing ''I will tell you about, please don't read this. Okay, let's get the story started.
My family consists of me, my Mum and Dad, and my younger brother (named Charlie, aged 11). We are your typical family, my Mum is the housewife, my Dad does golfing and works as an engineer, and my brother... well my brother has always been sort of different. He sees things, and hears stuff inside his head. We've had him checked out, but there are no signs of any mental illness, which does make me worry.
The story started on Friday night, we were having fun... it was the half term break, and it was a lovely night. We were all cuddled up on the sofa watching some Little Britain on Netflix. All of a sudden, it hit us. It was 7pm on a Friday night and we hadn't eaten yet. My Mum didn't have the energy to cook (she had gone out doing Zumba all day), and my Dad didn't know how to cook. After a brief discussion, we decided to go to McDonald's! Hooray! Victory for me and Charlie! So we hopped into my Dad's car and started driving to the nearest McDonald's, which was around 10 miles away (16km away for you silly people). My brother had his 3DS on him, and was playing a Sonic game. I had forgotten my 3DS, so I just watched him play instead. At that moment, I felt a sudden sadness erupt inside me. I felt a wave of negative energy surge through my body. I immediately felt a soft tear run down my cheek. My brother looked at me and said,
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, yes..." I replied, but my brother didn't believe me.
"Why are you sad?"
I didn't reply, just turned my head away. The truth was, even I didn't know why I was sad. So I just sat in silence looking out of the car window for the remainder of the car trip. When we arrived, for some reason the excitement and the joy I normally got from being at McDonald's wasn't there. Instead, I just felt empty. We entered the restaurant. My brother suddenly spoke,
I looked up.
"Do you feel that.. sadness I'm feeling?" he continued.
I nodded, to upset to say anything. My Dad told the person we would like a Big Mac meal with Diet Coke, Mum and Charlie ordered the same and then it came to me. An awkward silence happened. My Dad stared at me, angrily. I could tell the expression on his face was saying, 'You are an embarrassment." I looked away from him, and then looked at the lady. I was too upset to talk. My Dad spoke aggressively:
"Tell the nice lady what you want, Tom."
But I just felt nothing. I was going to tell the lady what I wanted, then I realised I couldn't speak. It was as if an unknown ghost was pulling at my voice box.
Then Charlie laughed. It wasn’t a real laugh. It sounded as if air was simply being forced through his mangled vocal chords. A smile appeared, and then he spoke. Except it wasn’t Charlie speaking, it was that ''thing'' speaking through him. The voice was so garbled that I could hardly understand it, but I made out a single phrase:
“Would... you like... fries... with that?”
That made me laugh how random it was, and I told the lady, "I would like a McChicken with 7-Up please!" My Dad's expression dropped and we carried on with our order, by this time, they queue behind us was as long as a garage. The lady replied with a simple,
"Would you like fries with that order?"
Now, that made me angry. I don't know why, but it did. I suddenly flipped out, and picked up the money collector thingy and threw it at her head. She screamed and ran away, as did the majority of the line behind us. A few of the people behind the counter went on their phones to ring 999, but I jumped over the counter and snatched the phones out of their hands and smashed them onto the ground. NO! They were not going to ring the police. My brother told me to stop. NO! I was not going to stop! Remember how I said he hears things and sees things, well, he told me that he felt a sense of a ghost coming from around where I was. Then I realised... I was possessed by a demon! I literally couldn't control myself! The demon started to make noises through me, gargled screams of children. I murdered a small family and wore their corpses and splattered the blood all over the floor. I realised that death was an option, and I became immortal and a super-god with power to kill everyone in sight. I killed a few employees and splashed their blood over some children in the line. They screamed. The whole restaurant was covered in corpses and blood, all thanks to me. I manically laughed, to the point where I was so loud, I burst everyone's eardrums so much that they could no longer hear.
Then my family and I went home to enjoy our burgers. The End.